A Question of Density-Map

A Question of Density?


Density is an important measure in Urban Design, do dense places lead to higher numbers of Covid-19 infections?

Data: Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Wohnen (SenSW) Berlin, 2021


A Question <br> of Density? Distribution of Covid-19 Infections along urban Density patterns in New York City and Berlin

A Question of Density?

Distribution of Covid-19 Infections along urban Density patterns in New York City and Berlin

Data: Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Wohnen (SenSW) Berlin, 2021

Let’s have a look at the situation in another world metropolis -Berlin. As Berlin is a large city, when it comes to pure size in distance/ area and slightly bigger than New York City (only considering the city boundaries of Berlin/ 5 boroughs of NYC, not the metropolitan area: Berlin ca. 870 mi2, NYC: ca. 780 mi2)it is considered to be a comparatively green city. This is particularly due to the fact that Berlin, while growing into the outskirts and reshaping former low-density villages and settlements in the past, ultimately was growing into large areas of landscape and rural settlements, also keeping some of these green places alive.

How To: Please click on the buttons to change between layers and use the the right mouse button for a 3D view of 7 day incidences. To turn off extrusions, turn of 7-Day incidence-button.

How To: Please click on the buttons to change between layers and use the the right mouse button for a 3D view of 7 day incidences. To turn off extrusions, turn of 7-Day incidence-button.